840C as a DAC. What do I need

So my wife is bugging me to figure out a way for her to play her iPod through the hifi. I have a Cambridge 840C CDP that can be used as a DAC but I believe i need some sort of additional piece between there. Cheap and half decent is the goal here. I was thinking about something like the Sonos. Anyone have any thoughts here?

for a couple of bucks you can get a mini to rca cable and plug the ipod directly into any input (other than phono) on your cambridge. you'll be using the internal dac in the ipod, but it'll sound as good as listening to the ipod directly and she should be happy.
Although I suppose it might be more versatile, and potentially better sounding to run out of the computer.... anyone?
Get one of these and plug it in to one of your amp's unused inputs. Not the phono input, as stated above. If your intention is to have an easy way for your wife to listen to her ipod on your system, this is it.