CDPs That Have Volume Control +Variable Output

I have a Adcom GCD-575, and, as always, it sounds pretty good, especially as I don't have a better one to compare ! Well, maybe my Nakamichi OMS-7 is better doesn't have Variable outputs. And that means I can't connect it directly to an amp, at least an amp that doesn't have volume controls.

So, my question is, does anyone know of under $500 CDPs with Variable Outputs/Volume control ? I think the Adcom 600 has it also.
Thx for your time...
FYI, you should consider that when using an inexpensive CD players with a volume control, that the volume control will also be inexpensive. And typical inexpensive volume controls tend to operate digitally, which will affect the sound more than a high quality analog volume control.

Just something to think about.

(This is one of the reasons that some people, including myself, use high quality preamps, as the volume control is also high quality. I have a Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD Player, with a fairly high quality analog volume control built-in, and even though it is pretty good, it still sounds better going through the direct output to the preamp, rather than through the outputs with the volume controls directly to the amps.)

My two cents worth.
You can pick up a Quad player that would meet your needs nicely. They show up on Audiogon pretty frequently.
Correct me if needed, but I think the Adcom's vol control are analog right ?

It makes me wonder, how a preamp can make it sound better...isn't less caps/resistros/transistors better ?