Modwright sony xa 5400cd

I have the player with over 400 hours of play. I love the sound but I feel the pace and rhythm is a little slow. Does anyone else find this to be the case.
I am using 14 gauge belden power cords. I am just using the cd players feet. Pentode mode did not matter, I do prefer triode better. The cd player sounds marvelous with Sylvania 6sn7 input tubes in the amps. I had RCA's in that position before.
If anyone is still following this thread, JWM and I have been good buddies for several years. I've heard his system(various systems) hundreds of times and know the sound well.

About four months ago, I told JWM I intended to purchase the Modwright XA-5400ES once Dan got all the bugs worked out. Not being happy with any of his previous digital rigs (Chord, PS Audio, CEC 1, Timbre, Musical Fidelity, all separates), JWM did a bit of research on Modwright's previous achievements and decided to buy one too.

We ordered a pair of Sonys from a dealer recommended on AudioCircle and had them shipped direct to Modwright. A couple weeks later, both players showed up and we began listening; to each player in each of our systems. You can read my initial thoughts on AudioCircle in the Modwright section but long story short, right out of the box it sounded wonderful; both of them. Now, after a few hundred hours, they both sound even better and as far as I'm concerned, it's the best sounding digital I've heard. By the way, the Sony is a balanced player and Dan's mod keeps it that way. I use the XLRs out to connect to my fully balance Atma-Sphere MP-1 Mk3 preamp which mates with A/S MA-1 Mk3 mono's. For vinyl, my Galibier Gavia table, Tri-Planar VII UII arm(balanced) and XV-1s do the job.

JWM provided some info on his system and I have to admit, I love his VAC amps(only in triode!) and his VAC preamp. Most of the rest of his system is also up to the task; Basis Debut, Vector arm, ZYX Universe and Airy 3, three box Aestetix phono stage(talk about tubes!) but.... he needs new speakers!!!! Sorry Jeff but it's true and I can think of three of our 'phile friends who say the same thing.

JWM listens to ESP Harps that he purchased new several years ago. They are very pleasant to listen to and they never offend. They have a warm character and you'll never have to worry about listener fatigue. Problem is, with warm recordings, things can get a little thick and slow. They're also somewhat veiled and I attribute part of the problem to the very thick grill cloth ESP decided to use; hell, you could upholster a couch with the stuff. The top end is slightly rolled off and missing the usual air & sparkle I'm used to hearing and there's not much bass below 50Hz. Don't get me wrong, you can hear differences in cables, tube rolling, changes in VTA, etc. but, as the audio rags like to say, they "commit sins of omision."

Another potential problem I've pointed out to JWM and he agrees could be a problem, his VAC amps and preamp are balanced, so is the Modwright player, but... he's running those Cardas Clear interconnects single-ended. Duh!

One more thing, with all that expensive gear JWM is running, he's using "homemade" speaker cables made by a mutual friend who occasionally markets his products on the 'Gon. I like the guy and have tried his interconnects and speaker cables in my system and frankly, they're not very good. I brought my Siltech speaker cables over and they totally transformed the sound; gone was grain and grunge.

OK, so the point of all this is not to offend my friend, sorry Jeff, but to inform anyone reading this thread that the Modwright is a fantastic player. For less than $3500, you get a one box player that will put $10k separates to shame. I love what it does with digital and yes, as Jeff pointed out, replacing the Russian Tung-Sols with NOS makes it even better. Honestly, this player is a steal.
Bob did you remember to take your Prozac today. Wow, what an article. First off I never said I did not like the Modright CD player. I just noted that I thought its pace was a tad slower than I was used to. Everything in this hobby is suggestive. Why you are making a big deal about this is beyond me. Like Bob said we are good friends for many years. Our tastes are a little different. When I had the Timbre, Musical Fidelity, and Charle's another good friend's, Yomamoto YDA-1 dac in my system I did not notice the pace problem. Bob's system to me with his beautifully home made speakers always seem to come off on the leaner side of nuetral, with lots of detail. I was missing that warmth in the lower mids that I hear in live music. This did change for me however when Charles brought over his single ended Coincident Frakenstein M300B MK II Monoblocks. His system had that beautiful warmth in the midrange that I am use to hearing in my system. I really like my system and in the end that is all that really matters.