Digital room correction, any recommendations?

Can anyone recommend a correction device that can be inserted between my digital source and DAC, that is relatively easy to use?
Lyngdorf is reported to be easy to use. But it requires A/D and then D/A conversion between preamp and amp, and I don't want to do that. I want to do the correction before conversion to the analog signal.
What about the older P1A and P3 processor & DAC from Perpetual Technologies? Would they work in your situation? I see there are a few available now on A'gon.
1. The PT units are simply not supported any more and had limited applications. (I have a pair if anyone wants them.)
2. All the MCH add-ons will require A/D/A conversions as there is no standard consumer MCH digital communications link.
3. The KRK ERGO is, indeed, based on Lyngdorf and it will accept an S/PDIF input.

Hi Psag

May I suggest reading some of my blog posts on this topic? I have reviewed a number of products from a functional perspective. Disclaimer: I do not sell any of these products.

There are also a few other relevant posts if you look through the blog archive.

Hope that helps - Nyal :)