Am I nuts or what? Apple TV

By sheer luck, I have been given the opportunity to acquire an unbelievable system on a barter deal. I am getting Martin Logan Summit speakers, Jeff Rowland Model 312 amp, BAT Rex preamp, Shunyata Hydra 8 power conditioner, and an assortment of Nordost Valhalla interconnects and power cords. Since I am totally new to the audiophile scene, I'm not sure I understand just how good this system may be. I assume that all the components would be termed "Class A" under a Stereophile type rating.

I need to buy a transport system. I have purchased an Apple TV and am considering the Eastern Electric Tube DAC. Am I just stupid to try and use those components with the above described system?

Thanks for your input.
No, you are not stupid at all. The Apple TV rivals good CD transports when setup correctly. Make sure the setting are right on the ATV/iTunes, import using Apple Lossless or AIFF and use a good DAC. A nice polished glass toslink optical cable is also a good idea, like the VanDenHul, WireWorld or Siltec.
I have just ordered mine (Apple TV) and I will place the order for a DIP Upsampler as well.
Apple TV over Siltec glass cable to Monarchy audio DIP upsampler combo.
Dip upsampler over Veloce Black Cat digital cable to Bel Canto DAC 3.5VB
ItÂ’s a pity that the new ATV support only 16/44, but I think it is a software limitation and maybe in the future it can be bypassed (Jailbreak?).
We will see.
Ciao, Giuseppe
Sounds like you got a great deal. Since you're new and you listed certain items, I would suggest that you go down to your local university and talk to anyone at the EE department about whether the various wires you obtained can do anything special (I know what they'll say, and I agree with them).

The DAC matters. The Apple TV is OK, use the digital output and feed the DAC with it. I don't know the DAC you are looking at but it sounds like a good one. Welcome to our hobby!
Trebejo, if you ask those same electrical engineers if there is any difference at all between one CD player and another, one amp and another, etc ... they will almost always tell you the same thing as what you're implying about the cables...

Rickschell, if you take Trebejo's advice, make sure you ask those same engineers if they have ever heard a real hi fi system and ask them what it was composed of ...

In the end, it doesn't matter what someone else thinks Rick, just trust your own ears because no one can listen to your hi fi system for you.