Is the new Apple TV better than Squeezebox?

I have a Squeezebox connected to my DAC then to my preamp. I'm using it to stream all of my iTunes content. What would be the advantage if I use the new Apple TV instead of the Squeezebox? Not interested about streaming video, just 2 channel music.
I like Kr4's cryptic but on-the-spot responses. They are now classic in this forum.
10-14-10: Erikminer
Why not save your self all the grief and use Sonos? It just works.

I was going to say the same thing about the Squeezebox Touch!

Anyone tried Qsonics or Bitperfect? From the reviews in the British press, they seem to be more user-friendly. Haven't seen or heard them myself and if I want one, I would need to specially order it.
I have Apple TVs and a Squeezebox. Both work well. Wouldn't give either the edge sonically