Audiofeil, I have reviewed many of Alex's contributions in Audogon (and elswhere). I have never met him and do not own any of his products. My inmpression is that he is a gifted and probably brilliant, driven, obessive compulsive perfectionist audio equipment designer. He has made many contributions in various threads which clarify some very controversial technical audio topics (clocks, for example) which no one else has answered competently or honestly (including several reviewers). I am not at all offended by information he provided regarding purchase information of his cd player; I asked for it.
Based on my review of Alex's comments here (and more importantly elsewhere) and my own listening experience, I believe that extremely accurate external clocks (even atomic clocks) do not benefit single box CD/SACD players, only seperate box equipment (DAC/transport separates) which require synchronization and are unable to synchronize themselves. Single box players are already synchronized. Possibly, if the single box player has a very poor internal clock, it might benefit from an accurate external clock. But why waste money on a lousy player with a lousy clock then try to improve it with an expensive external clock? That does not make sense.
If anyone would care to comment on my observations and conclusions, I would love to hear from you (that includes you Alex).
I have learned a lot from Alex's posts. He has contributed greatly to Audogon.
Audiofeil, I have two questions for you: Who made you sheriff? Why don't you stop harassing people and get a life? Your remarks are not constructive.
Based on my review of Alex's comments here (and more importantly elsewhere) and my own listening experience, I believe that extremely accurate external clocks (even atomic clocks) do not benefit single box CD/SACD players, only seperate box equipment (DAC/transport separates) which require synchronization and are unable to synchronize themselves. Single box players are already synchronized. Possibly, if the single box player has a very poor internal clock, it might benefit from an accurate external clock. But why waste money on a lousy player with a lousy clock then try to improve it with an expensive external clock? That does not make sense.
If anyone would care to comment on my observations and conclusions, I would love to hear from you (that includes you Alex).
I have learned a lot from Alex's posts. He has contributed greatly to Audogon.
Audiofeil, I have two questions for you: Who made you sheriff? Why don't you stop harassing people and get a life? Your remarks are not constructive.