Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks
You think using the threads to sell is ok?

Bill, last time I checked, you did not miss answering questions about your product line on the forums, correct?

If my responses were not addressed to specific questions, Audiogon moderators will not post it to begin with, and you know that very well. So I don't understand your point, really!

Alex Peychev
You'll never see or read me promoting any products in my lines Alex.

Unlike you.
If you were a design engineer/manufacturer, Bill, you would probably not be so smug nor disrespectful. The fact that Alex even participates in some of your baiting is remarkable to me - I certainly wouldn't.

It is always beneficial when a manufacturer is able to answer questions directly, as a number do from time to time on these forums. I find their input valuable as do many others. Your blatantly obvious "ax-to-grind" attitude towards Alex helps no one.
Audiofeil - I think that it would be beneficial to audio community in general if you write about your audio discoveries / experiences or whatever instead of wasting your time bashing other manufacturers / products / dealers.

It is not fun to read anymore (if ever was) and is just annoying.
Thank you for the nice words Matjet, I appreciate it!

If anyone would care to comment on my observations and conclusions, I would love to hear from you (that includes you Alex).

I think you are on the right track about external clocking.

The single box player transport clock is indeed slaved to the DAC clock. If you use external clock, you are slaving the DAC clock to it, which then slaves the transport.

With separates, DAC clock and Transport clocks are directly slaved by the external clock.

While there might be some benefit using external clock with a single box player of given synchronous design, the improvement is a lot more pronounced with separates, IMHO!

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev