Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks
I have been using balanced with my K01. Maybe I'll try out single ended connection.

Anyone compare balanced to single ended on the K01?

The AK4399 DACs have balanced outputs. In order to provide SE output, a balanced to SE converter is required. To me, this appears as an additional stage on the signal path. So I'd be very surprised if RCA outputs sound better compared to the XLR. Of course, you can always experiment.

BTW, where in the US are you located, if not a secret?

Alex Peychev
I've compared single ended to balanced on the K-03 and cannot hear a difference.

Dealer disclaimer.
I've been moving the K-03 in and out of different systems but at the moment:
Esoteric C-03
Pass XA30.5
Dynaudio Sapphire

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