Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks
Looking at a K-01 or a Luxman D-08. Tough to choose. Perhaps a Audio Note dac and transport combo?
Upgraded from SA-50 to K-03. Allowed CD player portion to burn-in for 30 days and it made a huge difference. Now burning-in the USB and Toslink stages.

Have compared single-ended to balanced XLR but cannot hear a differnece (AU-24e).

Could not afford the K-01 so did not audition.

The K-03 is one heavy S.O.B. You will not feel cheated.
Brucebraun, I currently own an Esoteric SA-50 and was thinking of upgrading to the K-03. Do you really think itÂ’s worth the upgrade and much higher price? Please list all the improvements you noticed moving up to the K-03. Much appreciated. Thanks! Joe

I believe you might be trying to compare apples and oranges, as they say. I would either call Esoteric or your Esoteric dealer if you have one. There is also another thread here talking about the K-03 with some feedback from several dealers that you might want to check out. Their comments pretty much echo what I was told by my contacts at Esoteric, FWIW. Good luck and let us know if you get the K-03!
Here's a link to that thread: