Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks
Anyone compared the K-01 to the EMM XDS1?
The XDS1 sounds really nice right out of the box.
'never heard the Esoteric.
Anyone compare the K-01 to the EMM XDS1?

And what the point would be, comparing something that has a switching-mode power supply with a linear power? Regardless everything else (digital processing, DACs, analog output stages, etc.), just the power will make such a difference that one will go for the EMM or Esoteric based on the so called "synergy" with the rest of the audio system owned. As simple as that!

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
"And what the point would be, comparing something that has a switching-mode power supply with a linear power?"

Hmm, considering the old Stravinskian recommendation by which a tree is best judged by its fruits, rather than solely by its roots, evaluating the relative audible prowess of Esoteric K-01 and EMM XDS1 side-by-side in the same system may be a rather fun experiment... And if sonic results turned out inconclusive, that would be an interesting finding as well.

Esoteric K-01 and EMM XDS1 side-by-side in the same system may be a rather fun experiment...

As always, and it will be sure conclusive, but for the given audio system both components (front-ends) are being evaluated. And make sure you have a really nice power conditioner or power re-generator for the EMM gear.

Of course, you are correct; it will be fun, one way or the other. Part of the "hobby", right? :-)

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev