Best Dac for a Shanling and squeezebox?

I've always been of the belief that it was better to spend more on a CD player than a separate Dac with an inferior player.
But with the advance of streamed hi res music I find myself wanting to invest in a Dac.

I have a modded Shanling CDT100 and have just bought a Logitech sqeezebox duet.They are running through a CAT SL1 preamp,Spectron power amp and Von Schweikert VR 4's.

As I havent a clue about current Dac performance what would you guys recommend that the Shanling and Squeezebox would run through. Budget up to $3000.
thanks I was looking at the wyred4sound as it seems to get good reviews and has multiple inputs.

I just wonder about whether the multiple input would dilute the sound improvement.
Steve N.
thanks for that suggestion.

I am using it wirelessly.

The Shanling was reclocked as part of the upgrades but I guess the sqeezebox would need reclocking too.

Are there any Dacs that would achieve low or zero jitter.

I heard something about a Lampizator.

Have you heard of it?
I would spend $400 on the Monarchy DIP (and you need an additional digital cable) and use the monarchy as an upsampler and clock. I put one between my squeezebox and berkeley dac and it wade an incredible difference.
I do not think so, and it gives you flexibilty and the option of putting multiple devices into your DAC with diffferent types of cables.
Thanks Cerrot and 2bgeorge.

Unfortunately the more I look in to Dacs the more confusing it is although the wyred4sound does seem like a good investment.

Does anybody know if the Monarchy DIP would compliment the wyred4sound ?