Real Music vs Audiophile Mumbo Jumbo

Lets talk about music when we hear hear it played live in contrast to our home systems. I have been going out lately seeing rock concerts but none the less, it really makes me think about listening at home vs what i hear when i go out. I read with the respect the vinyl supporters and how the digital sound will never touch the warmth and other special qualities of vinyl. Well, when you go out and hear live music and close your eyes, believe me, it does not sound like a vinyl rig. In my opinion, the sound has an in your face kick that is more like solid state systems. You can hear the bass lines and the pounding of the drums and the fire of the guitars. There is no tube glow and and warmth to it. It is alive and much different.
I've been disappointed at the "sound" of most concerts I've attended in my lifetime, whether it is rock, country, jazz, bluegrass, etc. Now, in most cases, I've been entertained and enjoyed the "show", but not the sound per se. For listening in my home, my system goal is to recreate, as accurately as possible, the sound acheived by top notch musicians and vocalists in the best possible environment for recording music, i.e. the studio. If I want studio recorded music to sound "live", all I have to do is set my gear up on the lawn and break out the lawn chairs.
12-11-10: Hotmailjbc
if my home system sounded like an amplified concert i would abandon home listening.

I agree with Hotmail 100%.
I walked out on the last three rock concerts I went to. And I like all three artists. Three strikes - I'm done. I enjoy all of those artists far more on my home system then at either far and contest. The concert acoustics were literally unbearable to me.

Well, when you go out and hear live music and close your eyes, believe me, it does not sound like a vinyl rig.

I really wish it were the sound of a vinyl rig, and yes, i do believe you, it's not the same. One makes me want to run screaming from the venue in search of Advil, and the other is profoundly enjoyable.
I agree with Albertporter - For years, I've been saying that many alleged hi-end fans would be happier and better served with a good sound reinforcement system. Then again, there is always Wilson. As to Klipshorns sounding like real music, to me they sound like real music played through someone's nose. But that's me
I agree with Albertporter - For years, I've been saying that many alleged hi-end fans would be happier and better served with a good sound reinforcement system. Then again, there is always Wilson. As to Klipshorns sounding like real music, to me they sound like real music played through someone's nose. But that's me