Reimyo DAP777 or Dodson 218 ?

Let me start by saying that I already own the Reimyo 777 dac. It is a nice DAC. Spicy and enjoyble with all kinds of music. I just have this itch to upgrade to something better without spending a lot more. So what am I looking for as an improvement ? Basically I feel Reimyo has a slightly cooked sound. It is also not very extended. Ideally I would like my next DAC to be more analog sounding. By analog I mean more natural tone and timbre, more dynamic and better PRAT.
I have read here on Audiogon that a TRL modded Sony has it all but I am not sure if it can be compared to the class of Reimyo (which I already have).

I have shortlisted Dodson 218 because I have read good things about them. Especially their ability to dissapear in a system. Has anyone heard these two DACs ?

I am open to any other suggestion in this regard.
I owned the Reimyo DAC, and it was not as good as my Audio Note Dac 1x in the areas of timbre and dynamics. I didnt't notice any real difference in "PRAT". For the price, I think it is very overrated.
I've never heard the adjectives "spicy" and "cooked" used in a hifi review. First time for everything, I guess.
"I've never heard the adjectives "spicy" and "cooked" used in a hifi review. First time for everything, I guess. "

Yaa, I am a foodie :).

Spicy = Exciting
Cooked = Tweaked

Roxy54, I also had Audio Note on my mind but I know they will lack the resolution I am used to unless I go upto their 3.1X signature and above. There they can get very expensive.

Another DAC that I have been reading good things about is the Kora Hermes. Any idea on how they perform in comparison to these top DACs ?