Hakuchosan, your point at first glance seems logical since computer cables send ones and zeroes successfully without error, but with digital audio signals unfortunately things are not that simple...
For a DAC to properly recreate an analog waveform from a digital signal it is not only the ones and zeroes that matter, but the timing of the signal as well as the accuracy of digital level transitions are critical. Jitter is a very well documented problem in digital signal transmission, and high levels often result in a harsh and unnatural sounding analog signal after digital to analog conversion. A lack of such harshness is often characterized as having a 'warm' sound.
So digital cables can significantly affect the overall balance of a system's sound, and warmth is one aspect of the sound that is typically impacted the most.
For a DAC to properly recreate an analog waveform from a digital signal it is not only the ones and zeroes that matter, but the timing of the signal as well as the accuracy of digital level transitions are critical. Jitter is a very well documented problem in digital signal transmission, and high levels often result in a harsh and unnatural sounding analog signal after digital to analog conversion. A lack of such harshness is often characterized as having a 'warm' sound.
So digital cables can significantly affect the overall balance of a system's sound, and warmth is one aspect of the sound that is typically impacted the most.