Will Squeezebox Touch play iTunes from USB Drive?

Can I use a bus-powered USB drive (e.g. G-Drive Mobile) with a copy of my iTunes Library (Apple Lossless) to it connected to the Squeezebox Touch?

I just tried using a USB Stick. That works. No rebuffering. Also, I'm not sure if what I was hearing was due to the music file being played from the SS USB Stick, or because I just cleaned all the contacts/connections with Kontak, but the sound took on a completely different presentation, atmospheric stillness, like when you go from a CDP to a music server. If I have time before returning it I'll try the mobile bus-powered USB drive. This is how I originally planned to use it, but with the rebuffering issues and somewhat dull GUI I'd rather try to find a way to finally use my iMac/iTunes with a USB converter (Halide Bridge...) and Pure Music.
Sakahara, how is your SB Touch now? Have you been able to get it to play flawlessle using external drive and wirelessly?

My SBT is coming this Friday.
I've been using a SBT to stream wireless from my iMac to my main system for about 3 months now. The only time I've had drop out was when the computer was superbusy with multiple task. It does high rez files fine. I wonder if the problem Sakahara was having has something to do with the router setting being used to for wireless streaming or too much else going on in the computer? I'm interested too in how things are working out.
I ended up returning it. Didn't have a chance to try USB drive. The constant rebuffering issue and unappealing GUI was a turn off.

The problem was most likely with the wireless/network, not the iMac. I did some rearrangement with the AE/AEBS devices which seemed to improve the signal strength/reach but not enough for the location of the audio system/SBT. I could see the readings on my iMac (Option Click Airport Icon) and there was definitely a drop/change with RSSI, Transmit Rate, MCS Index, although I have no idea what they mean, only that it's stronger in one area and not the other. Adding an AE close by didn't help either.

I haven't decided on a music server solution yet. My system is going through changes and I want to try USB converters again. I had ordered a Wadia 171iTransport but got tired of the delays/excuses. In the meantime I'm using my Marantz BD8002 as a CDT.
Did you ever call Logitech support when you were trying to debug all these issues? Whenever I had any trouble (just a couple of times) w/my SB3, their tech support guys were easily reachable (even on Sunday), and quickly resolved any issues. Cheers,
