portable ipod speakers?

Anyone bought a portable speaker system for their ipod? I was thinking maybe one of the Klipsch iGroove setups. Anyone have any experience? I know these aren't generally great sounding, but I need something portable for the wife. Just don't want to buy junk.
I agree with the Audioengine suggestion. You could even get creative and put them in a carrying of some kind.
Interesting thread as my college age daughter wanted these (claims she blew up her last rig) and the only simple smallish ones with a sub I found are the Klipsch. I ended up giving her an old set of Altec powered sub/sat speakers I had previously hooked up to an office computer. It drove me insane trying to find anything that might have any cojones for her "dubstep" addiction.
Don't know how "portable" you're looking for, but I have this setup and it sounds really nice.