Vibration Theory - Isolate or Drain?

Given that a CD Player or Transport has quite a bit of internally generated energy from the motor, is it best ti deal with vibration issues by coupling the player to a surface with spikes or cones? or decouple the player from the surface beneath it with spongy materials? Any consensus on the best approach here?
By the way, I am currenty using Herbie's Tenderfeet which isolate from the supporting surface (3" Maplewood shelves on a all Maplewood stand with sits on washing machine/ imdustrial isolation pads to minimize floor based vibration. I suppose if isolation is the technique used microscopes from vibration that is proabably worth noting given that vibration would be very obvious and is not based on theories used audio accessories vendors to convince audiophiles. I do realize though, how silly the search for consensus on this topic is - worse than asking SS or tubes.....
I was just checking this tonight, my CD player is on a Star Sound rack equipped with large cones for coupling to units to the rack and draining vibrations quickly. But I got a better result putting the CD player on a marble tile resting on 3 tungsten carbide ball bearing resting on 3 FIM saucers. I sell both so not partial. This result applies ONLY to my system at the present time.
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