Inexpensive CD Player

Hi Everyone:

My sister's Rotel RCD-855 finally went belly up. I'd like to get her a replacement CD player for around $200-300 that is well built and reliable. Sound quality is not as importance as reliability and longevity. Used or new is fine. The rest of her system is a Rotel integrated amp and a pair of Spendor bookshelf speakers. Thanks.
How odd that you should mention the Rotel RCD-855, I have one that was given to me as a favor, a reward for helping a friend sell off extra audio gear.

I hooked the Rotel up a few days ago, needing something after having sold my Oppo BDP-83. The Oppo was more extended and higher resolution at the extremes but the Rotel was the one that came closer to opening my heart to the music.

I hope for your sake sound is not as important as reliability, especially should Sister be blessed with acute hearing and value for music.

Please post results.
Having owned an 855 and enjoyed it greatly, I'm presently using a Rotel RCD-971. You should be able to find a used one under $300. A better sounding CDP in all respects. Also, I like the fact it's a compact unit height wise. Exc. built quality and high quality parts are used. Give this model some serious consideration. Good Luck!
If the sound doesn't matter, in that price range you could get a pretty good DVD player from virtually any mass market supplier and use it as a CD player. I would check out Consumer Reports for long term reliability ratings. I have an Integra DVD now going for 10 years that is in that range. $500 would also buy a very fine Blu Ray.
a used Rega Planet or a Naim CD3 ... both are older models that just sound great! one or both may be in your price class