Inexpensive CD Player

Hi Everyone:

My sister's Rotel RCD-855 finally went belly up. I'd like to get her a replacement CD player for around $200-300 that is well built and reliable. Sound quality is not as importance as reliability and longevity. Used or new is fine. The rest of her system is a Rotel integrated amp and a pair of Spendor bookshelf speakers. Thanks.
If the sound doesn't matter, in that price range you could get a pretty good DVD player from virtually any mass market supplier and use it as a CD player. I would check out Consumer Reports for long term reliability ratings. I have an Integra DVD now going for 10 years that is in that range. $500 would also buy a very fine Blu Ray.
a used Rega Planet or a Naim CD3 ... both are older models that just sound great! one or both may be in your price class
There's an Oppo BDP-80 for sale on Audiogon for only $225. This will allow your sister to enjoy every shiny disc format - BluRay, SACD, DVD-Audio, HDAD, CD, and HDCD. The high resoulution formats (BluRay, SACD, DVD-Audio, HDAD) can sound MUCH better than Redbook CD. Why not give her the advantage of being able to playback these formats?

I'd go for newer rather than older. While you could pick up a better player if you go for something more than five years old, reliability would concern me. These current listings might fit the bill (I don't know any of the sellers):

Rotel RDV 1045 $250 (cd/dvd)
Marantz CD5003 $225
Cambridge Audio C340 $200
Marantz CD5004 $240
Marantz CD5003 $200

I don't know much about the Rotel, and it's a dvd player, but it's new and built like a tank. The Marantz players are very nice and also very well-built. I had a Cambridge and thought it was excellent for the money. If you want to go new, the NAD C515BEE is excellent for $299.
