Get Right With God was way cool when she performed it in concert, Craig; sounds like a classic. Unfortunately, as is often the case with pop/rock concerts, some bad sound -- shredded highs -- made it a fight to understand the lyrics of songs I was hearing for the first time. I wonder if there are a few songwriting lapses on Essence? Envy the Wind sounded kind of one-dimensional and almost cliched, a characteristic that her work is almost entirely free of. The refrain, We're So Out of Touch, of one song sounded so simplistic and unrhythmic that I figured -- or hoped -- that in all the lyrics I couldn't make out there must be some delicious irony or criticism to set if off. As I said before, I think she is a top-notch songwriter, which is why I wonder... I don't have the CD yet, so in the meantime, comments from any fans?