Music that You Have JUST BOUGHT, and can

Lucinda Williams' latest titled "Get Right With God"...if you like breathy, close to the heart stories about your past love or about your present "girl on the side"...get this!
Definately a keeper. "essence" is my present "fave". Lucinda can melt a mike with her sexy voice. I actually have some of her on vinyl, a couple large 45's. Sound quality is smoking. Godd listening, everyone and Happy Cadad Day and a safe and joyous 4th to all you Americans. Bluenose
Get Right With God was way cool when she performed it in concert, Craig; sounds like a classic. Unfortunately, as is often the case with pop/rock concerts, some bad sound -- shredded highs -- made it a fight to understand the lyrics of songs I was hearing for the first time. I wonder if there are a few songwriting lapses on Essence? Envy the Wind sounded kind of one-dimensional and almost cliched, a characteristic that her work is almost entirely free of. The refrain, We're So Out of Touch, of one song sounded so simplistic and unrhythmic that I figured -- or hoped -- that in all the lyrics I couldn't make out there must be some delicious irony or criticism to set if off. As I said before, I think she is a top-notch songwriter, which is why I wonder... I don't have the CD yet, so in the meantime, comments from any fans?
Rushed out and bought "Essence". Listening to it at work, you guys got it right. Can't wait to get Lucinda home. Also got Tom Russell's "Borderland" while I was there - sounds very nice too.
Rushed out and bought "Essence". Listening to it at work, you guys got it right. Can't wait to get Lucinda home.

I also got Tom Russell's "Borderland" while I was there - sounds very nice too.