Success Rolling Opamps in EE Minimax DAC

I'll try to reign in my nearly unbridled enthusiasm for a recent uber-economical tweak, rolling Opamps in the Eastern Electric Minimax DAC.

On encouragement of Chris and Melissa Owens from Clarity Cable I swapped them out (note; this voids the warranty!), with resounding success. A more powerful upgrade per dollar in decades of messing with systems and tweaks does not come to mind.

My brief instructional discussion on this experience appears at
Mrtennis - OPA1612 (variation of OPA211) is what you looking for (was too warm and bassy for me) but it comes only in SMT (SO8). There are adapters and soldering of SO8 is quite easy.

National Semi amps like LM49720 or one I used LM49860 are more detailed and open/brighter sounding than NE5532. LM49720 is the same amp as LM4562 named differently for marketing. LM49860, I use, is again the same LM4562 with extended supply range to +/-22V. Some reported better sound (possibly die change) but it might be only perception.

NE5532 used to be thinner sounding until 2000/2001 when Signetics factory burned down and they stopped making it. Texas Instr. bought license from Signetics redesigned die (larger) and produced fuller sounding amps. If you have NE5532 check the logo on them. NE5532 are cheap ($.70) while OPA1612 are quite expensive ($8.50). National runs at about $4.
Mr T.

I tried the OPA2107 (dual) in the position that feeds the tubes and think that this might be up your ally. Much greater bass extension with a less in your face sound vs. stock chip and esp. vs. the 49720 which I also tried. They also come in DIP8 so you can pop them into the DAC in minutes, no soldering. Pricey at ~$16 a piece but cheap relative to some tubes and to the dramatic improvement in SQ you get.

But don't stop there, no no, get some upgraded chips (singles) for the SS output as well. I currently have OPA627 in mine and it does some things (the things that you say you like) very very well but lack air and sparkle relative to the 49710.

Doug - looking forward to your article.

I assumed the power cord provided with the EE DAC I received about a week ago was included just so they could say; "We gave you one." I didn't bother trying it and immediately plugged in a Wire World Aurora Cord, which I have been satisfied with using on a Cambridge 840C CDP.

This afternoon, I was about to put away the EE DAC packing materials and the stock power cord for storage. I decided to give the supplied power cord a quick listen as I might not have an opportunity to do so again. To my surprise it sounded much better than the WW cord, despite its lack of markings or pedigree. There was no need to A/B the cords, as the stock cord was notably better, even with no break in time. I tried a couple of other power cords I had on hand (WireWorld Electra & the Kimber PK10 Palladian) and found the stock cord still sounded best. Maybe I'm deaf or have some problems elsewhere but I would encourage people to give the stock cord a try before casting it aside. It would be interesting to know if this is a fluke or intentional on the part of the manufacturer.
My other transmission was garbled. I was wondering if anyone had tried the OPA2134 and any opinions regarding it.

The EE DAC's stock power cord is not as open sounding as the others I have on hand but controls sibilance much better that the others.