How To Route Streaming Music From iPad 2 to DAC?

I am about to purchase an iPad 2. Amongst the other things I would like to utilize it for is streaming subscription based music to my Bryston BDA-1 DAC in order to route it to my preamp.

I checked out the Cambridge Audio iD100 dock, which is priced right, at $299.00, but it only works with the original iPad. I haven't found anything else out there. I would greatly appreciate any information on what other options might be available to me to accomplish this. Thanks.

I sort of wish I'd seen this thread earlier.
First, AirportExpress has lots of jitter in the output. Some DACs will simply not like this and may either mute or produce an awful noise.
I am told the ATV is better in this regard.

The AE setup is done as a 'client' if I remember right. I use one in my system and have NO wireless router. My internet is done the old fashioned way, all with cable. To use the AE, I turn on the Airport in my computer. This 'wakes up' the AE over at the stereo and I'm good to go.
So, while the AE is essentially a 'dumb end', it does talk back to the computer to the extent that the computer knows its working.

Thanks for the information. Based on several recommendations above, I went with the Airport Express solution as it was less expensive, and supposedly worked well. Based on your input regarding the jitter issue, I'm now greatly regretting I didnt buy the recently upgraded Cambridge iD100 dock which now supports the iPad2. I'm afraid I may have thrown away $125.00 on the Airport Express and the cable for it. I also wish you had seen this thread sooner.

by all means, call me Mag.
Check out the Stereophile test of the AirportExpress.......I'm not making the jitter thing up.
My CA840c simply does not like this high a jitter and I'm reluctant to flash the upgrade CA sent me....and now apparently no longer sends out. (last is good rumor).
So, I use the RCA 'Y' adaptor and lossless files. I get 3/4 the benefit of what I think I should get using a digital 'workflow'.

Maybe I'll end up with the ATV or another product.....Christmas is JUST around the corner and I'm already fishing.......Though, I'd personally wait on (if/when) a 1080p version of ATV, not the 720 as currently sold.
Well, I set it the Apple Express up as a new wireless network, but it doesn't seem to see my iPad 2. And the DAC sees no signal via the toslink to minijack cable. Which must be since it is getting no signal from the iPad 2. From what I've read, the Airport Express should automatically connect to the iPad 2 via Airplay. I've been trying to get this to work for two hours. Frustrating.

I KNEW I should have just gotten the Cambridge dock.:(
I also had to connect the Airport Express to my router before I could even set it up. Which is gine, but when I disconnect it from the router, the green light goes out. I do not understand why it needs to be connected to the router. All I want is for it to wirelessly connect to the iPad so the iPad can stream the subscription based music channel to it, and the Airport Express to them send that to the DAC. This shouldnt be this difficult.

I even tried connecting the iPad to the new wireless network, which shouldnt even be necessary, but it won't connect to wi-fi at all if i do that.

AirPlay is supposed to make all of this simple! That's why I bought the Airport Express!