Bargain Basement, Giant Killing DACs for PC Audio

As I continue to upgrade my PC based systems, I am fascinated to see how certain DACs somehow retain considerable value for many years.

Because one might think that DACs are more vulnerable to depreciation and obscelesence than say, speakers or amplifiers.

Since this digital landscape changes quickly, perhaps this thread might become popular for a quick update on the latest, GIANT KILLER DACs.

New or used?

USB DACs or depreciated classic and a SPDIF adapter?

Thanks for your ideas.
I've tried a few inexpensive USB DAC's in my office system, the Nuforce uDAC, the Valab, the Beresford 7520 with the opamp upgrade and now the Aune Mini. The Aune is as good as the Beresford at half the price and way better than the Valab or the Nuforce. At $160 shipped its a real bargain. It's beautifully made, can be used as a preamp and has a pretty good headphone amp built in.
I recently acquired a Aune Headphone amp/DAC with upgraded caps factory direct from China via fleabay for $165 shipped. Very happy with it considering money spent. Has USB too
I have ordered the Burson Audio HA-160D, which should be shipping in a couple of weeks. While the Burson isn't 'dirt' cheap it is relatively inexpensive for a head amp/preamp/DAC combo piece, and the comments and reviews I've seen have in general been very positive.

I think I read somewhere--Burson's Facebook page?--that Burson will also be releasing a standalone DAC in the near future, also very affordable.

I'm not sure there is such a thing as a 'giant killer' in digital, unless that means killing your ears after awhile.

Thanks for replies so far.

Will check out the Aune - that is the type of new, USB suggestion I was thinking of vs say, a used Bel Canto with a SPDIF adapter....
The closest I've heard to giant killer in my travels is the MHDT Paradisea. At around 400 bucks used it's putting out some pretty good sound for the dollars. I personally sold off my Wavelength Cosecant after getting one. There is better sound of course out there but it hits pretty hard for around 400 on the used market.