AudioQuest SKY revisit

I wonder how this cable compares with the latest?
I have owned them many years ago but have since moved on to many other brands. Now, I am using JPS superconductor 3. Lately, a pair of SKY came up again and I took it for a try. Guess what? I fell in love again! Musically, It is head and shoulder better then the SC3. Timing and coherence all through the frequencies is perfectly done and I can't stop my toe tapping. The JPS sounded slow and the music is disjointed by comparison. Yet, in HIFI terms, the JPS has that 'close up' feel and the instruments sounds just like they are in your room! the SKY sounded just a hair muted in terms of dynamics and realism.
I wonder if there is one cable that can do both for me!!
The Sky is a very well-rounded, balanced cable, fuller in sound than Nordost Valhallas but with a smaller soundstage and not as much detail. They are very musical and non-fatiguing. For the $$ they are a great value. I use a pair in my BR system and fine them very "livable."
The Niagra is better in the mid freq, more musical. But in the high freq the sky is better.

The new Wild Blue Yonder is a different league. Individual focus of instruments and voices is more intimate. Blacks are better so you get a more physical stage.

There was one thing what I also notices, we played Light my fire a number of Jacintha. Now you could hear the difference in height of the percussion. Going back to the Sky it was all gone.

Later this year I will go to the Well Signature. And I will write a review about it.

I sold Nordost for over 9 years of time and sold and owned the Valhalla. When I bought the Audioquest Redwood it blew away my Nordost Valhalla in every aspect ( I oned it for 12 years of time)

Black levels are superior to Nordost. The physical 3 dimensional image is so much more stable and touchable than what is possible with Nordost.

Stage is also wider and deeper compared to Nordost. I call Nordost incomplete since I started to sell it in 2000.

Because there are a few essential parts missing for the absolute sound. In real instruments and voices are extreme small and direct to point out. Nordost is not able to achieve this.

Nordost is like a big orchestra without a conductor. There is a lot of resolution, but it misses his place were it is on a recording.

In blind tests all clients choose for Nordost loudspeakercable with Kimber interconnects instead of full Nordost.

Because I made it more complete. It made the stage wider and deeper. And instruemnts and voices were more intimate and physical touchable. Also the mid freq. became more involving.

You Always need to look further in audio instead of following what brands say ( what is often based on nothing)
Bo, thanks for sharing. I love my Niagara. I can't afford the Wild, but in time maybe. I have been an MIT guy for ages and I still love my wire, especially my MH770. It's not biwired and I just got the Vandy's so I can't use it on them, hence I'm selling them. That said, the higher end AQ cables just sound right with low noise floors. That reminds me that I need to get some ads out there sell a ton of gear, lol.

Can't wait for your Wel review. I've heard it and it is the best system I've ever encountered (Vandy 7's and AR ref gear with Musical Surroundings Vinyl).
In the last year I won all battles against MIT cables at different clients. ( I sold MIT for over 6 years)

MIT is inferior compared to Audioquest in sharpness in individual focus of instruments and voices and intimate stage. Also the blacklevel is a lot lower. Physical presence same story. The timing and drive is also a lot better with Audioquest.

The more expensive interconnects like the the silver Audioquest cables go a lot further than the MIT in the same price league.

There is a lot more decay. The 3 dimensional image is a lot more physical and instruments are a lot more apparent. You also hear more control and authority. In the lowest freq. you hear more layers. MIT is not able to give a small and intimate physical image. When you compare them you will understand how much better the Audioquest can give a realistic proportion of instruments and voices. This part has a very big influence on our emotion.

Every single part I want to create in a system has to do with a realistic view how it is in real. These parts all create more emotion in the overwhole sound.

MIT is at this moment far behind and they need to do something to catch up.

I was surprised hoe easy it is to beat them!