What CDP gets really close to vinyl?

Hello, I have been looking for a CD player that is truly airy, transparent, and in this sense similar to vinyl. So far I did not have much luck. I tried a variety of brands, from Rega to Meridian to Ayre, and now own an EAR Acute. Each of these players is wonderful in its own way, but the sense of spaciousness, air, the "I am there in the symphony hall" feeling has never achieved what I can get with a good turntable and good cart. Has anyone had better luck?
I've had good luck in this regard with my current music server/network player/DAC configuration in my rig.

Not by chance. I have strived to get both my vinyl and digital to sound right to me. They may not be exactly the same, but are very close.

Then again, I like vinyl, but am not one that thinks it is necessarily the end all for good sound. Some do and I doubt they will ever be satisfied with digital no matter how good.
My freind was at his brother in-laws place that is really into vinyl. He took his CD player with him, it was a very highly reviewed Sony player and he told me by comparison he had to play some SACD's to approach the TT's ability to have that expancive hall sound.
So I'm thinking that you need 24bit files to match the quality.
While I listen to my CD player I feel I have a great sound stage with deep imaging, but I don't have a TT to compare with.
My CD player upsamples to 24/382. But it doesn't sound as good as his Sony which upsamples to 24/192.
I think some of the SACD's approach vinyl but not redbook.
Just my 2 cents worth.
I much prefer and normally listen to vinyl.

I think SACD is as close as your going to get. You may want to consider investing in a SACD player.

Have Fun!