What CDP gets really close to vinyl?

Hello, I have been looking for a CD player that is truly airy, transparent, and in this sense similar to vinyl. So far I did not have much luck. I tried a variety of brands, from Rega to Meridian to Ayre, and now own an EAR Acute. Each of these players is wonderful in its own way, but the sense of spaciousness, air, the "I am there in the symphony hall" feeling has never achieved what I can get with a good turntable and good cart. Has anyone had better luck?
I just ran across a new (to me, at least), CD format, called LPCD. Attributed to Mr Aik Yew-Goh of Hugo Productions Ltd HK. It is purported to replicate a more analog sound from cd. My post may not quite belong here, tho I do not possess the masochistic tendencies needed to begin a thread!
audiofeil, all you do is pontificate blowing out a lot of hot air helping no one to the truth. You have no idea what I have here. Not one iota. You are just a dealer who is sore at me because you just can't stand someone talking about a system's greatness when nothing you sell is part of that system.

my being a reviewer has nothing to do with your comment about changing your position.

you and i are like oil and water.

i suspect you would disagree with anything i said, even if you held to the position yourself. you tend to be contentious, ornery and not a very nice person.

the issue of being a reviewer is merely a smokescreen for your psychological problems. see a shrink. you'll live longer.
My ears tell me that digital can be satisfactory on certain types of music where there is less musical information and dynamic swings. Even then when compared to a great vinyl set-up it misses the mark on the air surounding instruments as noted above. This is a really big deal for me in absolute context of listening to music where there is more of a believability factor.

I keep on hearing how digital is getting better and suppose it is but I haven't been willing to spend the dough to get something that will be obsolete or bettered at half the price a few years later. You don't get that with vinyl. Money spent today on a carefully put together set-up will hold its own down the road. I can't say I've heard enough digital front ends to make any kind of judgement on where the current SOTA is but I can say I highly doubt any digital front end regardless of price will compete with a top notch vinyl front end.

The litmus test in comparing should be a great recording of an orchestra..... i.e. Chicago Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner "Scherezade" originally released by RCA, subsequently by Chesky and Classic records... with all the dynamic shadings and complex harmonic tones. Someone please direct me to a digital device that can convey the air and natural tone of massed strings that one hears live and is only approached by vinyl? I haven't heard it to this day but it would be nice to know it such a digital product exists.