Upgrading Wadia 170i IDoc to new 171 IPod dock

I have owned for about a year now the first Wadia 170i IPod dock and the $280 ICAudio upgraded power supply and lastly am using the Kimber illuminations D60 cable going to my DAC, which is actually a Cambridge AZURE 840C CD player. my question is has anybody upgraded to the latest 171i IPod dock and was it worth it? My current setup using lossless files sounds pretty good, but not quite as good as a CD. So please, with my current configuration and your experience with the new dock, is it worth the investment - Thanks!
Each of the four members of my family that enjoy our system has a third generation iPod touch, just maybe, it happens to be this model of iPod works best with the Wadia? Still hope someone who reads this thread has the latest Wadia, really interested in their feedback.
I was an early adapter of 170i. With a C7 adapter I use a high quality PC and also a top quality SPDIF digicable. Never had a second's trouble and the sound is virtually identical to spinning transport into DAC. If someone could explain that -- and how -- 171i is superior I would look into upgrading.

The Wadia is a great solution for those of us who don't trust computers, don't think computer audio is there yet, or do not want to deal with multiple software, hardware, spirits in the ether issues, etc.

I am with Nglazer on this.The new 171i is $599 versus $379 for the 170i.Thats $230 difference for an added Toslink output a remote with a few more options that most people won't use,I just press play on my Wadia 170i remote and some times will skip a song and it's fine.They also talk about beefier power supply and better parts,I need to see an internal view for that.I don't think the price increase is worthy.
I am very happy with my 170i and don't see the need to upgrade.I will wait until the dust settles on this.
If someone could explain that -- and how -- 171i is superior I would look into upgrading.

Beefier PS may mean that its digital output may be less prone to jitter. I'd love to see some measuremens.
I should add when I first mentioned "not sounding as good as CD" to sounds slightly different than the CD. In fact, there are some areas such as the bottom end which sounds better through the Wadia and the top end slightly sweeter through the CD. Having the CIAudio external power supply instead of the little wall-wart supply helped, along with a good digital IC. So, bottom line, there is some music that may indeed sound as good, if not better on some recordings and others sounding better spinning the disk, so, the proposed improved new Wadia 171i product sounding better than the original says to me better than the CD, possible?