What cd player to purchase for less than $1000?

My friend just purchased Martin Logan Source speakers and the Krell S-300i integrated amp. Please let me know your opinion for the biggest bang for the buck cd player at a cost (new or used) of less than $1000. I was thinking about the Oppo 95, but would also like to hear other opinions out there. Thank you.
Ag insider logo xs@2xaaronmadler
Stick with a dedicated CD player


If you go the main page and click on the search , it will give you option to enter a dollar amount and category. There are a lot of good choices for cd players that are in the $800 to 1k range.
A new Sony SCD XA5400 ES for $909.99 @ CDW. Shipping will add 20 bucks or so. A great deal from an authorized seller.
I've been impressed with my Pioneer Elite SACD player. The current model retails for about $700. I have the previous generation that I got for about have of the $500 retail.