Your experience & thoughts on SSDs for MacMini

I have a 2007-2008 MacMini that I use exclusively as a music server on a third system with the stock HD. I am considering replacing the stock HD to an SSD. The stock HD makes noise that is audible often enough to draw unwanted attention to itself.

I'm looking for experience-based thoughts and commentary on the various SSDs that are available for this replacement. I'm using SnowLeopard and iTunes 10 with Pure Music for playback of AIFF files from a peripheral HD (which is silent).

So far, my research on this seems to get a bit confusing. For example, Other World Computing offers two levels of SSD, one over 50% more $ in price (and 25% larger 40 Gb vs 50 Gb than the other (offering a longer warranty, etc.) And I know there are several other manufacturers of SSDs out there with varying price points and related benefits.

This MacMini isn't used for anything else than serving music, ripping files, streaming audio, playing Netflix downloadable movies, and the occasional download from iTunes.

Your points of view are appreciated.

:) listening,

The Mac OS doesn't support the Trim command yet which means the drive will slow down over time. The more expensive OWC drives with the longer warranties are enterprise class drives. They have more overpervisioning for longer life. I've been using nothing but SSD's for the last few years in all my machines for boot drives. I've had three failures in the last year. two which were OWC Enterprise drives. When SSD's fail, the fail without any warning. One day you machine is working fine, the next day the drive is just gone. So, i've got in the habit of backinb up often. BTW i keep my music on machanical drives with multiple backups.
>>I've been using nothing but SSD's for the last few years in all my machines for boot drives. I've had three failures in the last year. two which were OWC Enterprise drives. When SSD's fail, the fail without any warning. One day you machine is working fine, the next day the drive is just gone. <<

Prpixl... I was afraid someone would have your experience. Sorry to hear about that. Sounds as if you are not recommending the switch to SSD.

:) listening,

Computer transport is not for the faint of heart. And I don't believe computer audio will ever become plug-n-play in my lifetime. It works quite well if you know the routines. But the barrier is high enough for a lot of folks, which is unfortunate. It works quite well once set up to your liking.

Ed, I hope you don't get the wrong impression that traditional magnetic disks are more reliable than SSD. Once you have any valuable data on your computer, back up is a must. Think of it as car engine. It requires regular maintenance to get going, and it will ultimately fail without giving a warning. Whether the disk is mechanical or solid state, the data must be backed up at regular schedule because the failure is a matter of when, not a matter of if.
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Computer Audio Rule Number 1 (adapted from General Computer Rule No. 2): all drives will fail at some point. If your music collection and/or your time is worth anything to you, it is prudent to backup your music files.