is there a best music player on the computer?

I recently bought an HRT MusicStreamer II and have listened to internet radio lately but sometimes the stations have their own player that they prombt you to use but I have had no luck with. For example: KUSF does not work for me, they offer a choice of Flash 2.0 Flash 3.0 and Windows Media Player. When I select one of these in the pop up window it does not work.

What is the best music player for my computer (Windows XP pack 3)?

Is there a way to select one player to use with everything?

What is the best choice for this?

I presume the individual website are to blame in some instances, however, I need a plan of attack.

any help appreciated.



Alex, I would take exception to this statement about JRiver.

Sure, but have you auditioned JRiver on a newer energy-efficient laptop with Core i3 or i5 processor and Windows 7, 64bit? If you did, what were the settings?

Alex Peychev
Hello Alex,

Is JRivers, on your opinion, better then MediaMonkey? If so in what areas, particualrly sound quality (WAV/FLAC)?.

Thank you,

Hello Simon,

Is JRivers, on your opinion, better then MediaMonkey?


If so in what areas, particularly sound quality (WAV/FLAC)?.

Together with ASIO4ALL, JRiver is the only computer based playback I've heard to come so close to the upgraded Esoteric VRDS transport inside my NWO-M.

Alex Peychev
Aplhifi, I heard my Mac OS 10.6 with an SSD playing PM 1.72 and also Audirvana and the Weiss 202 connected with FW playing side by side with the JRivers on a new PC USB connected to a dac, that I'm afraid I don't recall.

It is interesting how divided this computer server effort has become. I had a PC server once, but doubt I would ever really consider going back to Micro Soft.
I have not tried JRiver in a long time. I heard the current version is significantly better than previous versions I tried about 2 years ago by quite a bit.

Over the past 2 years, I have been using XXHighend. All I can say is that when I started using XXHighend, it was significantly better than foobar, mediamonkey, Jriver at that time. Since then, it only got better and better. I don't know if Jriver has caught up with it or not. The only weak part of XXHighend is the interface is not nearly as nice as mediamonkey or Jriver and I feel that to get the most of it, low power PC/laptop is not going to work. You really need lots of RAM and seems to sound best at this time with Win7 with service pack 1 (not official release yet but you can get them).