Esoteric K-01 vs dCS Puccini

Has anyone A/B'd them ?
do you use the Puccini with clock ?

I personally own the Puccini & clock

a close friend owns the K-01

but I can't tell nothing serious because our systems are so different
the only thing I can tell, I prefer the k-01 to the 03 combo which he had on demo in his system ... the k-01 seems more musical than the 03 which could sometime sound a little bit harsch
Clavude, one interesting observation I made at RMAF, is that K-01 was very sensitive to the G-03 external clock.... while the old K-01 series seemed to me largely insensitive to external clocking. G.
Wow I feel great. I owned the PD MPS-5 and I sold it. It sounded very lean in the midrange, not the most musical. My Modright Oppo 95 gives me way more pleasure. Now I don't have to try all the other overpriced digital products. I am interested in hearing the K series at some point.
I have had them both in my system at different times (amongst others) and my strong preference was the K01. I would qualify that by saying the dCS did not have the Clock and it is also possible filter choices and settings could have an impact. The K01 is really something special, in my opinion.
I have an Esoteric K-01 but a G-03X and in my opinion is the best to listen to digital sources! in my opinion much better than the DCS to be heard! For me the K-01 with the clock is in the same league as the Escarlati, at a price much lower! Have a 500HS against requiring of break ing in each filter and sampler up! Another critical point is that it requires a good powercord would not say exceptional, in my case I use Purist Limited Edition + Furutech FI50/51, and as the clock BNC cable for Purist Canorus with all these products at least for me! end the search for the beloved musical nirvana!
Best Regards