Using a PS Audio Perfectwave Dac as a music server

If you're just using a Perfectwave Dac as a music server, how can you see what's on the hard drive? It doesn't look as though the screen on the Dac is configured to scroll through folders of songs or albums.
I use the exact same setup as Kana. 1TB HD ($100), Netgear wireless Router ($150), iPod ($100 on ebay). I do use a CAT-6 cable because my run is almost 100 feet from router to DAC, but it works great.

You have to have WiFi for the iPod to communicate with the library and DAC - the Netgear is pretty solid choice.

Be sure to buy a second HD as a backup. Once you rip all your music, you don't want to do it again and all hard drives will fail eventually. I repeat, not "might" fail - WILL fail.
I get the idea now. Thanks Kana813, thanks for the excellent explanation 2chnlben, and for listing the prices Shazam - and you're right, the HD backup is a great idea...
great thread and very timely for me as well. my bridge should be here in a few days. finally decided to make the leap into pc tunes (kind of a crawl in my case). am keeping my pwt until i feel comfy/confident with the pc set-up's sound.. think i have all the piece's in place?. just need to put it together later this week.

the master plan...

pc running vista. intel 1.8 p4 with 2gb ram and newly installed1T hd. have a linksys wireless n network in place and a wireless ethernet adapter ready in my listening room....that's currently plugged into my pwt. iphone has tag-n-play loaded.

still unsure what to do with all my i-tunes music??. have a 1000+ cd collection dying to be ripped as well. need to figure this part out eventually. not sure why, but i downloaded J River. trying to back track my research as to what exactly it's for lol!. (any help here would be great as well).

if any of you guys see a potential problem in my plans...please let me know. any other tips/advise would be great, as long as it's simple.

have always had a hard time with computers. been learning for months in hopes of pulling this off. if i'm never heard from again, you'll know the reason why =)

Hey Lev,
You can use JRiver to rip your cds. Are your iTunes in redbook or MP-3? If redbook, eLyric should find them as a library. I have been using eLyric for the last week or so, and even though it crashes once in a great while, I still like it better. I'll be glad when all of its features become active. Let me know how it goes and how you rate the Bridge.

Go here for good information about setting up J River server...

Let us know how you like your Bridge!
