EMM-Labs XDS1 vs Esoteric K-01


I’m a longtime Wadia owner (now S7i), but want to upgrade to a better SACD machine. Unfortunately, I don’t have a Esoteric dealer with a demo K-01 in my area.

So which machine to choose?
I have owned the Esoteric K-01 for about 3 months. I completely agree with your assessment of this amazing CD/SACD player. I upgraded from the Esoteric X01D2 (and previously owned a couple of Krell players). The K-01 is, by far, the best player I have ever heard.
Mike: Do you have any ability to demo the K-01 against your MPS-5? I'd be interested in hearing more from you given all the time you've spent with EMM Labs equipment, the MPS-5.

BTW...Winston Ma's UCD version of the Steinway Take 2 disc that was recorded in your room sounds amazing!
Thanks for all the response :-)

I have now listened to a EMM-Labs CDSA a couple of times, and it's not the sound I seek. I can't describe exactly what is "wrong" with the sound, but I quickly lost my wish to continue to listen. My experience with the EMM-Labs sound, can best be described as dark and totally without drive.
From your comments, I get the impression that you heard the unit in a dealer set up and not your system. If that is the case, then it would be prudent to temper any "conclusions" unless you are very familiar with the system(s).

In any case, I'm not quite clear how you can determine the performance of the XDS1 based upon an audition of the CDSA, which is a model many years the XDS1's junior and by all accounts, not even in the same league.

If my spotty memory serves me right, we've discussed this offline as both of us are Wadia fans who have gone or are considering going in another direction due to Wadia's business decisions in recent years (i.e., the cancellation of the 981).

In my experience, the XDS1 betters (typically significantly) my former GNSC Statement 861se in all facets save two. Those two are forwardness of presentation and drive. Where I sometimes miss this Wadia presentation is in two types of music, female acoustic solo (since the Wadia gives a front rows perspective versus the XDS1's relatively further back presentation; however, this is purely a matter of personal preference and is merely a slight difference in degree) and hard rock (where, while close, the 861se gives the music just a little more drive).

In any case, if your EMM dealer won't loan you one for demo, you can speak with EMM direct and they should work something out. I would never buy anything that expensive (outside of speakers due to logistical issues) without an in-home demo.

Good luck.
i agree that esoteric makes excellent cd players, well, from a technical point of view. I was once a fan of the X-series players when i started this hobby. the best part about esoteric is its transport and pick up system, that's all about this company could do: outstanding detail, powerful dynamics, solid and well defined images(high density) that no other cd players in its class could compete. i had an X-01 LTD for a short while and i tried x-03se, K-03, K-01(with high anticipation). Neither X-01 LTD nor K-01 sounded clinical or like mechanics, but i can tell you, all these Esoteric players that i had play around are "Soulless", they just dont know how to transform details into music. For the same price, i would pick some players with inferior hifi quality but better sounding.