"The author Tom Davenport is a recording engineer and writer from the farmlands of England,"
Reading the gizmoto artical Tom Davenport is and idiot. Anyone with a real system can clearly hear how much better 24/96 files are when they are recorded well.
It is all about dynamic range. He argues that the "sheep" will buy 24 bit and not hear the difference. I say let people at least have a choice of hi rez.
Having a choice will be a good thing for people. The download market has always worried me. Not because of digital but because 99% of people think mp3 is ok. The way I see it High Rez down loads are the future for audiophiles and the fact that the biggest name (apple) is on board is a blessing.
The real question for me is will 24/96 file compete with vinyl? From my understanding many of the newer vinyls are made from 24/96 bit tracks. 24/96 bit tracks are the only way the would EVER get me to pay for a download.
Anyway I hope they fallow through and I will would love to have more 24/96 options.
Reading the gizmoto artical Tom Davenport is and idiot. Anyone with a real system can clearly hear how much better 24/96 files are when they are recorded well.
It is all about dynamic range. He argues that the "sheep" will buy 24 bit and not hear the difference. I say let people at least have a choice of hi rez.
Having a choice will be a good thing for people. The download market has always worried me. Not because of digital but because 99% of people think mp3 is ok. The way I see it High Rez down loads are the future for audiophiles and the fact that the biggest name (apple) is on board is a blessing.
The real question for me is will 24/96 file compete with vinyl? From my understanding many of the newer vinyls are made from 24/96 bit tracks. 24/96 bit tracks are the only way the would EVER get me to pay for a download.
Anyway I hope they fallow through and I will would love to have more 24/96 options.