What s in front of your chair?

I'm condsidering putting an ottoman in front of my listening chair, but am concerned about sonic effects. However, could an ottoman be beneficial as a low frequency absorber? If so, what type of ottoman would be best? I'm thinking cloth covered with natural stuffing, i.e. wool or cotton. Has anyone experimented with this? I guess anything would be better than a glass table. I just don't want to buy something then not like it because once it's in, it will never leave(SO). Hey, maybe there's a product in this thread for some ingenious furniture maker: Audiophile Ottomans, $10,000, Chairs, $15,000.
I like the barber chair idea. Mine (my barber) is just a block away and perhaps I could talk him into cutting my hair in the living room. That way I could listen to music in between snips. In regard to the nose, mine is pretty big and I also have a large mole on the left side of it, that possibly effects the sound stage. I like it though (the mole) as it gives me something to look at when I am bored. I also agree with the beach chair. When I use our butterfly chair I have to lean forward (away from the wings) to get a good sound. When I use a folding canvas low backed chair (that is the property of one of our cats - Elliot's chair) I can just relax and enjoy the music. My favorite most comfortable chair is a folding wrought iron French Riviera one that has a heart shaped back, but it weighs a ton and I rarely use it anymore. Anything in between my chair and the speakers (other than rugs (over carpet) on the floor) seems to change/degrade the sound and I don't think that it's silly to be concerned about it. Afterall, it's a free tweak that's easy to remedy. My wife just asks that I don't barricade the front door with the stuff that I move, in the event that there is a fire.
Gee, I'm not sure how to take all of the responses to my query. Some are quite humorous. However, the main reason that I asked the question is because I removed a glass top coffee table that DID have a negative effect on my system WHILE I WAS ENJOYING IT!!! For those that were less than humorous or thought that I had gone too far, I feel that I must be one of the true audiophiles just for asking such a "silly" question. At least three of the responders had given some thought to the furniture at the listening position. MANY of us pay >$10k for the cables in our system due to their effects, why is it not reasonable to be concerned with what we place 4 ft in front of the speakers. Finally, as for carpet, I suggest a wool oriental carpet because the fibers are all different lengths and diameters. A synthetic carpet has identical fibers which can cause preferential reflection and absorption at certain frequencies. So it's not all necessarily hocus-pocus. I do enjoy the music and my system, but I enjoy it more when it sounds better.
As for the carpet fibers, i agree. I have also had great results with synthetic carpets loaded with various amounts of dirt. Extensive experimentation has shown that clay put down in Size 10 1/2 footprints results in excellent bass imaging that makes the music come to life. Motor oil in similar patterns makes the system sound too slick. Sand deposited at the edge of the carpet result in more grainy highs. I was perhaps most surprised by some ketchup put on the corners on the rugs, contrary to what I expected there was very little coloration, at least when used with the black rugs. About the only thing I would really not recommend trying is crushed cookies in the rugs; with this tweak installed the system sounded really crummy.
Metaphysics, now for a serious answer. The coffee table obviously made a difference, as you noted. The surface of the table is most likely an almost perfect reflector. The ottoman would probably have more shape to it, and be made from another material than glass, so it would probably reflect less sound. If you take a ligt orroman, maybe something with a tube frame like I described earlier, you may find that the effect is not too noticeable.