Oppo Nuforce BDP-93NE

Hi, Has anyone here listened to this new unit? It looks very interesting. Was just waiting to see if any reviewers or Audiogoners have tried it yet? I'm looking at it in place of my Oppo 83se[becuase of the claimed very musical redbook playback on this modded unit[93ne.] Thanks, lloyd
Yes, I will. I have some audiophile friends dropping in after I've broken it in. One is a Leban guy and the other has Pass Labs. Their cd playbackbacks are Marantz Sacd and ArcamFMJ33, which already showed itself to be more refined and finished in my system compared to my OppoSE.They both have good ears. We'll give it a fair but honest listen, no holds barred. Will I be overwhelmed or underwhelmed? At least it should be interesting. Will let you know what we hear, cheers, lloyd
Well the Nuforce 93SE arrived this pm. . Will give it break-in. But out of the box, it's a keeper. I guess my beloved Oppo 83SE will have to fine a new home before spring ends. More to follow. I think I'll be doing alot o listening in the next few days. Will give an idea of what I think I'm hearing in my room in my system. Do note I have no invested interest in either company. I simply wanted to "hear for myself in my own system", and this was for mainly cd playback with video a bonus. Nuforce has a 30-day return policy. cheers, lloyd
I personally have a 95 with close to 240 hrs on it, it was tough not to go for the Nuforce 93 at the time but the ESS Sabre dac's, balanced outs and build Quality pushed the 95 ahead. The unit replaced a Denon 5900 and out the box it bettered it in my setup.So keep us posted indeed!
After a 20 hour break-in[suggested by Jason at Nuforce], I have really started to listen to this unit. My system is old, Sim, Krell Roxan, wiring by Acoustic Zen, Monarchy Audio, [all single core crystal]. PS audio Power Quintet, Power cds by Pangea and Grant Fidelity. Speakers are the -NewformResearch 30-2's. Sources have nowheres to hide on Ribbons but I've had SET preamps on these before and Set can mess up your mind for weeks[they did mine]. There is a rightness to the midrange that SETs do that can make everything else sound broken. This Nuforce BDP-93NE is reported to be voice with even-order harmonics like a SET.I hope this gives you and idea my likes. The NUForce BDP-93NE plays music in my system with a effortless seamlessness, competing musical clues that my Oppo 83se only hinted at or simply missed. It's not small or sutle a difference. It is a fundamental shift in how the music is coming into my listening room. The depth strikes me as very fine. Vocals together are distinct not covering one another, cymbals float in the space they appear into and out of, no hiss. It makes me listen to each disc as if for the first time. No, not tuby, just a feeling of rightness to the point I don't want to change a thing. This will do me until computer based playback is an option for me. This is something very special and you can hear it. If anyone else tries this unit please keep us informed. I can't beleive how much more the vocals can give you on this unit. But everything else is better, reed instruments, horns and piano are just lovely, bass appears with impact and tightness, potent but musical. Reverberation is just there, everything in is own space but all together as a whole. Quite wonderful. I love this unit. YMMV. Now I have to listen to Shelby Lynn again. In one word, MUSICAL. I think that's it. Happy listening.cheers, lloyd
Nice indeed, glad to hear it, wish I could compare it to my 95, which I'am totally elated with and pronounced it a giant killer on AVS. Good thing is you might not need to wait on computer playback as your Nu93 does it as well. I got my first taste from HD Tracks free sample, just download media monkey to your PC, then the free 24/192 files, put them on a usb stick, plug it in the Oppo and prepare to be amazed!I thought I'd look into that latter but the 95 does it so well might look into it sooner!