Feedback on Doge 6 CD Player?

I am considering purchasing the Doge 6 CD player by the end of the year. I have seen some older posts about the player but those are from 2008/2009 and there is nothing more recent. If there is anyone with any experience with the Doge player, I would greatly appreciate your input. Any feedback from people who have heard it, and can offer comparisons with other sub$2k players, tube or otherwise, would also be appreciated. Thanks in advance for any feedback or helpful suggestions.
Associated equipment would:
Doge 8 preamp/TAD Hibachi amps/Ohm 100 speakers
I had a Doge6 as well as the MHZS66. I had both modified with nos tubes and vcaps. At the time these units were being referred to as 'giant killers' bettering players costing many K more. At the time I felt the Doge6 had better detail and sounded more analog.

About three years ago I auditioned a used Electrocompaniet ECM 1UP. It was an improvement in all ways that mattered to me displaying an even more defined soundstage with better resolution and detail. Older cds sounded wonderful as the volume was turned up. They lost some of the shrill or edge the chinese players displayed at volume. I enjoyed that cd player for over two years. I learned how good many of the early cd releases. My ears were opened.

I then auditioned my current Esoteric SA-10. I had little reason to believe this would top my beloved electro but it was much better. After playing it for a week I knew it wasn't leaving my system. I have audition other esoterics that fall closer to my price range but you really need to spend many K's on the used market to get substantial improvements in the Eso line IMO.
The Eso and the Electro were both around 2k used.
I am only discussing the redbook performance. The SACD abilty of the SA-10 is the icing on this cake IMO.

One more thing to add.The totally solis state Electrocompaniet sounded more tube like and less solid state then the tubed Doge6 but of course YMMV.
Go figure.

One of the best players I've owned, including 5K and 10K digital setups. I have heard nothing that can touch it at 2K shipped. Just make sure to get the upgraded tubes.