Feedback on Doge 6 CD Player?

I am considering purchasing the Doge 6 CD player by the end of the year. I have seen some older posts about the player but those are from 2008/2009 and there is nothing more recent. If there is anyone with any experience with the Doge player, I would greatly appreciate your input. Any feedback from people who have heard it, and can offer comparisons with other sub$2k players, tube or otherwise, would also be appreciated. Thanks in advance for any feedback or helpful suggestions.
Associated equipment would:
Doge 8 preamp/TAD Hibachi amps/Ohm 100 speakers
One more thing to add.The totally solis state Electrocompaniet sounded more tube like and less solid state then the tubed Doge6 but of course YMMV.
Go figure.

One of the best players I've owned, including 5K and 10K digital setups. I have heard nothing that can touch it at 2K shipped. Just make sure to get the upgraded tubes.
That's a very valuable post, Montejay. The OP can sit around and guess which ones you are talking about.
Thank you both for your responses. I've read and enjoyed both of your component reviews, and appreciate you taking the time to respond. I already spend too much time sitting around wondering about audio equipment, so I won't add guessing to the activity list. I think Montejay is referring to the Electrocompaniet and Esoteric players he had recommended, anyway. This has given me a lot of food for thought.

I have heard one of Electrocompaniet's players at a local dealer, although I'm uncertain of the model, and thought it sounded fantastic. And I've heard Esoteric at RMAF and had the same favorable impressions. But those are outside of my budget parameters new and I'm not too keen on making a used purchase of a CD player. Whether of not this is foolishness on my part, I would like the support of a warranty in case I have any problems.

Given that parameter, would either of you recommend anything else? I'm actually considering just updating my DAC first and running an old CD player through it to forestall any decision on a new CD player, but the notion of the tube output stage on the Doge 6 intrigued me. I know I could just buy a tube buffer or a DAC with tubes like those made by MHDT or Eastern Electric, but I was pretty taken with the quality of the Doge 8 unit I already own and thought their CD might offer similar sound and value relative to competing models at the same price point. Would either of you be able to/mind answering a few questions?

1. Where would you rate the Doge compared to something like a new Sony XA5400ES or a one of the newer Oppo units? I could always have them updated by Modwright down the road and see further improvement, but in their stock forms where would you say they stand in relation to the Doge 6?

2. Do either of you have any experience with any of the AH! Njoe Tjoeb units? Or Jolida or Cayin tubed units? Or Cary or Primaluna tubed units? I'm asking because I'm curious where the Doge rates in relation to other tubed units that have been well received and well reviewed? I understand that the Cary and Primaluna units are outside of the parameters that I've established for myself.

3..What do you think of the actual quality of the Doge 6, in terms of durability and construction? Does the transport seem well made or flimsy? Aside from the sound in your system, how does it compare to other units you've experienced?

Thanks so much for your time and consideration in offering feedback and answering questions. It is much appreciated.