Peachtree iDac reliabilty?

First off, the iDac in my system is a pretty amazing piece of gear. It brings digital to life like I've never heard. Up till purchasing the iDac, I never considered myself much of a digital person. Sonically it's a terrific step in the right direction. I purchased the iDac in February 2011. It worked beautifully, then conked out after 3 days. The good folks at Music Direct replaced the unit immediately. I even had a very nice chat with David Solomon of Peachtree. He's a good guy and very sincere about his company. The 2nd iDac worked flawlessly for 2 months and like the first one quit working. I've now sent it to Peachtree to be repaired. Has anyone experienced a similar reliablility issue with the iDac or am I just snakebit.
This is an update on my iDac after getting it back from warranty repair.

First off I agree with all the comments and thanks for sharing. Yeah for a thousand bucks it's a bit disconcerting to have a unit barf out after 2 days, replace with a new one, only to have that one crap out after a week in the same way.

Wanted to report that my iDac has been performing flawlessly since I got it back. Hope this remains the case. As far as the sound goes, that's why I bought it, never heard my iPod or music library on my computer sound this good. Keeping my fingers crossed.
loosely related. I have a era d4 center speaker with a DOA tweeter. Note that this is the same group and all are under the peachtree name now (or maybe signal path...who cares eh) and I can say that I called my dealer and expected a replacement tweeter. Instead ERA replaced the entire unit very quickly. On one hand I was disappointed that it failed on another more important hand it was nice to know that they stand behind their stuff. Does sound like a high-ish fail rate for the electronics. Hard to tell from just the web though. anyway they took care of me. no relation or link to era or peachtree. luck. p
I am planning to upgrade my DAC. I'm currently using a Onkyo NS dock that runs through a Musical Fidelity V-dac. Lyric HiFi in New York recommended the I-Dac. In light of these issues, should I avoid it?
Thanks. I recently purchased the Moon Audio 100D and love it! It has so much more clarity than the V-Dac right out of the box.