Wyred 4 Sound STI-500 Breakin Time

I was one of the original W4S Dac1 purchasers and just upgraded to the DAC2 and purchased a STI-500 amp. Have about 60 hours on the amp and 100+ on the DAC2.

I did find that DAC1 sounded better and better after about 200 hours of breakin time. Do the W4S STI amps work the same way?

Want to hear from STI-500 or STI-1000 owners with tips on breaking in these amps and how the quality improves with time. Has anyone used breakin CDs with these amps? Can you break them in at low volumn or do you need to play loudly?

So far, the STI-500 plays loud effortlessly but I am not hearing the detail I was with my previous Bada Amp and PreAmp. It is the amazing detail that I got from the W4S DAC that impressed me so much along with a very natural tone and realistic reproduction of acoustic instruments.
I do leave the W4S STI500 on all the time. Just turn down the volume. Leaving the volume turned up on the STI500 has met with very little enthusiasm in my home!

Actually seen on some threads to let the system "rest" for a few hours. Every 4th or 5th night I power it all down only to turn it on the next morning and leave it on for several days.

I run music from a music server (NETGEAR 9150) into the DAC2 continuously. Everything is now opening up, much more three dimensional. I would almost say it is nearing the peak of what I was getting with the BADA amp and preamp. Except that the STI500 at louder volumes is very relaxed and the BADA was sounding stressed.

The BADA ran in Class A for the first 10 watts which was very clean and clear. With the W4S DAC and Magnepan 1.7s, I have changed my listening habits to a very low to moderate level. The clarity of the system is so good that in the past, I had to turn it up to get the same level of detail and visceral enjoyment of the music.

I would say the sweet spot in overall improvements has been happening in the approximately 60-100 hours of break in. I hope to hear some additional improvements over the next 100 hours but don't anticipate anything as radical as the first 100 hours.

You guys realize that other than in a few audio magazines and online at sites like this, no one else believes that electronics have to "Break in." Try having a conversation at work about this.
I also have the DAC2 directly driving the ST-500 via balanced. I think you may need more than 100 hrs for the DAC2 to burn in. Also after some time you can tweak the STI by changing the two fuses on the modules. There is one on each. I changed mine with the PS-audio fuses and got smoother yet very detailed upper end. From my experience also a good power cable later will benefit both the amp and DAC2, specially the DAC. I changed mine nearly after many months but I got a big step up in soundstage expansion.

Good luck.
Fancy power cords, changing fuses...I must be back to Digital.... : ) Just wondering how big the difference between /96 and /192, considering it looks like most back catalogs at EMI/Decca/Chandos/Hyperion--I listen to Classical--have archived at 24/96, should they ever have the "courage" to release their material for downloads at higher resolution?

I've only heard 24/96 via SACD in which original recording was PCM. Better in most cases than "regular" CD.
Will have to try the fuses. Had forgotten the positive comments I read about them some time ago. Thanks for reminding me. I do already use some nice Xindak power cords for both units.

One thing that I found helps is putting the DAC2 and my NETGEAR 9150 on Vibrapods - very inexpensive tweak. The STI500 has three Xindak points (actually looks like a small hockey puck with a half circle drilled out with a metal ball that fits in the drilled out section).

I had purchased the DAC1 (which has now been replaced by the DAC2) very close in timing to my purchase of the Magnepan 1.7s. It took at least 400 hours for the system to break in. I attributed it to the Magnepans' breaking in but never knew which piece of equipment was taking the longest.