I dug around a little bit and found this recommendation for a USB -> SPDIF converter, Kingrex UC192,
This is probably a more correct approach, since coax or optical digital is a stable long-term format whilst USB is hardly that. If you must use USB, that's one way to do it without severely curtailing your DAC options.
I now I keep trying to steer you away from USB. But I have my reasons! None of which put a dollar in my pocket. :)
I think "classic" audio companies have not gone after this feature for many reasons, so when you insist on that kind of connectivity then you are discarding some truly excellent DACs. There, that's all the steering I'm going to do for today. Good luck!
This is probably a more correct approach, since coax or optical digital is a stable long-term format whilst USB is hardly that. If you must use USB, that's one way to do it without severely curtailing your DAC options.
I now I keep trying to steer you away from USB. But I have my reasons! None of which put a dollar in my pocket. :)
I think "classic" audio companies have not gone after this feature for many reasons, so when you insist on that kind of connectivity then you are discarding some truly excellent DACs. There, that's all the steering I'm going to do for today. Good luck!