Best DAC from $1500 to $2500 or so

I currently have an eastern electric minimax dac with a mullard tube as well has a musical fidelity v-link asynchronous usb->spdif feeding it. From what I've read the EE seems like a giant killer (especially with the MF v-link feeding it). My question is, how much would I have to spend to actually make a significant upgrade to this DAC. Would dacs in the $1500-$2500 range really sound that much better? Has anyone compared the EE to some in this range:
Ayre QB-9
Bel Canto 2.5
blue circle 507
Neko D100
Wyred4sound Dac-2 (6moons says this one isn't much better than the EE)
red wine audio isabella
wavelength brick
ps audio perfect wave
audio GD- NFB-7
weiss dac-2
Audio note (whatever dac of theirs is in the pricerange)
tranquility DAC
Linaeum66...I just want to make sure you have seen this article/review about changing the Opamps in the EE Minimax DAC by Doug Schroeder in It seems like it has made a huge difference in upgrading the sound quality for a minimal investment. Also Doug Schroeder is a member on Agon and I am sure can walk you through this further. Here is a link to his article on this:
I think with a tube and op amp mods, there is not much that will beat the minimax. The reviews seem to suggest weiss et all will give a more refined but less organic presentation.
I went from an EE mm to a W4S Dac-2. It was not an improvement to my ears, very similar. The Dac-2 though had balanced outs and asynchronous USB options which I wanted. Unless you need more flexibility, the EE for sound quality is hard to beat IMO.
In my experience (I own both, on separate systems) the Tranquility and the Tranquility SE DACs are worth every dollar in this price range (in the OP setup). Dollar for dollar, these are amazing DACs when properly set up and with the appropriate cabling to match and facilitate them. Also, customer service is extraordinary with lots of tips and suggestions in the setup that really pay off in a quality listening experience. Even though I've owned these for some time now, quite often as I listen I am just amazed by the experience and how life-like and non-digital the experience is. Give them a try.

:) listening,

Istanbulu: Thanks, for the info, I've been very interested in the tranquility for some time. have you ever compared the tranquility to the EE or any other DACs mentioned?