Thanks to Agon members and Agon staff.........

In this world of buying, selling, auctions, internet dealing, stealing, and fraud, AGON and its members keep this site going. I love you man...........

It is easy to get caught up with all of the nightmares on EBAY, from non-payers that 'commit' to several fraudulent auctions. We even have auctions nowdays WARNING others of scams for particular products!

Here at the GON, rarely (I personally, never) see scams or have non paying buyers. Only a few "non-members" have left a bad taste in my mouth, but so rare.

I just wanted to thank the members of this site, as you are the ones that keep it going. The forums are wonderful and even though I have been here for about 6 years and have read (and probably posted) some of the same old generic topics we read every day:

Which cable is better?
Tube versus Solid State?
Which amp for my speakers?

we all still respond and help direct our opinions.

Thanks to all, keep it rolling despite some frustrating topics/issues that come up. After all, why would we participate if we didn't care?

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
I'll second this. Aside from some strange deletions of discussion threads, I have no complaints at all. Dave
I have to agree with both Porschecab and Dopogue - this is a great place to lose track of reality for a few moments on a relatively victimless site, but I am also finding the disappearing threads of late more than a little disconcerting.
I have corresponded with a lot of nice people, met a couple of good friends, admired some for their efforts, and met a couple of dolts - not a bad average.
The scruples of the people I have done deals with here have all been first class.
I would also like to thank the staff at Audiogon for such a nice site for us audiophiles . I also have to say thanks to the people who have done deals with Me all great people. I have gained wisdom from some been entertained by others and have laughed at others all good fun. Thank You all