logitech touch - tech success...marketing flop?

Would you know which retail stores sell the logitech touch?
Despite all the great reviews, it's amazing it can't be found anywhere except on logitech's own site.
Any advice?
No; it's not a marketing flop. Yes; it is a "tech success." Their server software is actually quite materful...
None of my "civilian" (non gear obsessed) friends have even heard of the SB Touch...a classic case of the high end geek/hobbiest community being completely separated from the great unwashed, even for an amazing inexpensive product. A shame.
For clarification, yes I did refer to brick and mortar retailers so I can pick it up locally. I know I can get it online, but the absence offline was so striking to me. Wouldn't you want to expose it more, given ll the positive reviews?

Unless they plan to push a new version shortly. Any rumors on any new logitech touch release?