I'm reading the various comments with great interest. I'm not sure if the comment about wanting better CD requires better CDP was directed to me or if was just a general comment. If directed to me, I think my CDP is very good quality. As to the comment that redbook CD "sound has improved so much the last few years i've dumped my analog rig," is not where I hold. IME, in a comparison of recording to recording, my analog set up leaves my CD rig behind in a puff of smoke.
IMHO, I agree with Nonoise's comment that QC may be the key:
"Taking care to improve the quality of a CD recording and mastering would go a long way towards keeping it alive and well. Wasn't there a kind of HD series of CDs some years back that used the extra, unused portion of that last bit that went some ways to improving the sound of the CD? What happened to that?
"As I've stated elsewhere, there are some damn fine CDs out there and they should all be made to the same standards.
"Another thing: has there been any attempt to improve the encoding of redbook CDs that could be read by the current lenses? It seems to be a matter of QC on the part of the labels."
I hope the comments continue. Personally, I've made a significant investment in my CDP and CDs and I would very much like to see the redbook CD format stick around, but with higher level of QC being maintained. One of the reasons I've started this OP is because it anecdotally seems that DACs are taking off and who knows what format (if any) will become the inductry standard in the future.
Thanks all.