Best non-USB Dac for $3k, computer as source?

Hi There:
I'm shopping for a good DAC for my system as I'm currently winging it with an iRoc USB Dac connected to my PC via USB, using iTunes. It sounds pretty good to me but I want to do justice to the rest of my system which is more high-end.

I'm not sold on USB as the connection of choice to the PC, and I have a nice Juli@ Soundcard which got very good reviews, so hope to use that as source via SPDIF to DAC.

Do folks have any strong recommendation on a DAC at or below $3k or is there any strong reason to spend a bit more? I'd rather keep it below $3k if possible. I'd like to play 24/192k files and will try some hi-rez downloads but most of my collection is Apple Lossless via iTunes.

Um, I'll try to clarify - it's my assertion that a PC is a bad base on which to have a high-end transport based on S/PDIF.

If keeping the PC, I'd contend that an async USB DAC capable of 24/192, which the latest revision Ayre is, will outperform any of the other DACs listed + the Juli@ + the normal PC.

I see, that makes sense. Don't agree, but I now understand your position.

An async DAC like Benchmark DAC1 is a solid choice with a PC (likely to be jittery on the digital out). DAC1 would perhaps be at the low end of your price range but you might be able to audition one at no cost.