Need to replace my Denon 2910, have $400?

I have $400 to spend on a new player and would like to see if I can get an upgrade over my old Denon 2910. Its been an incredible player but it no longer reads disks :(

Any suggestions are great!

Denon 2910
Onix SP3
AV123 Strata Minis
Thanks man, really appreciate the help, I think ill bite the bullet and go for it, do you happen to have a link to the guide you mentioned for ripping? Thanks man
BTW, I dont have a pre, just an integrated so id assume id just keep it at 100% as well and use the volume on my amp?
Here we go:

As for the volume: yes, keep the Touch's volume at 100% for critical listening and use the integrated's volume control. The Touch volume control is in the digital domain, so as you lower the volume it will be dropping bits. Down to around 85% you are probably safe, though.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I am. Just a neat device, with a number of upgrade paths from there.

Good choice on the touch. I recently ripped 1300+ discs with DB Poweramp. The process was fairly painless and took just under 3 weeks. The Touch is running via LAN to a 2.0 TB Linux Server. All files ripped in FLAC and the PCM conversion is being handled by the Squeezebox Server running on the Linux machine.
Via the analog outs ( no mods past the PCM conversion at the server ) the Touch is more than listenable. It will not keep up with my Ayre C5Xe, but it is pretty darn good. That said, I am looking for a DAC that will allow me to move on past the Ayre. Not going the USB route as that mod for the touch scares me and I do not want to invest the $$$ to have it done by a shop.
So far the DAC that has a real leg up on the Touch is an ancient EAD T 7000 Mark III. Keep in mid that it was $2500 back in 1996.
The interface of the touch is more than worth the time spent ripping discs. Enjoy it.