Logitech Duet sonds awful

I recently installed a Logitech Duet in my stereo and it sounds digital and gritty. I'm saving my cd files to WAV with Apple's Itunes and listening through the Logitech receiver with both digital outs to a Entech DAC which sounds better with my Ipod with the best resolution MP3s (highest resolution) and I'm wondering if I was naive in thinking that the digital wireless transmission wouldn't affect the sound.
Marco (Jax2), the Duet apparently provided an optical output, as well as a coaxial digital output.

Shlibotnik, did you mean that you had both outputs connected simultaneously, or that you tried them one at a time, with only one of them connected at a time? If you had them both connected simultaneously, it seems conceivable to me that crosstalk between the two inputs within the DAC (after the optical input is converted to an electrical signal) could have degraded the sound due to its impact on jitter.

Also, if possible try a different cable length for the coaxial connection between the Duet and the DAC. The relation between coaxial cable length and signal risetimes and falltimes (which are almost always unspecified) can affect jitter significantly. See this paper.

And are you sure that your rip settings in iTunes were correct, including use of error correction? Also, as far as I am aware iTunes is generally not recommended for high quality rips and/or playback, especially if it is running on a Windows-based machine.

I wouldn't absolutely rule out the possibility that the wireless link is somehow causing the poor sound quality you are hearing, but I would look elsewhere first.

-- Al
Make sure that the volume is set to max on the Duet settings.

The difference in SQ could also be attributed to the S/PDIF interface on your DAC. It's possible that the signal levels are not to spec. This is actually quite common. you could also have a ground-loop from the Duet to your DAC that is problematic.

Try .wav files rather than MP3.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
The Logitech Touch is a lot better than the Duet or SB3 BTW.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Hard wire it with Ethernet, yes there is a difference. Research the subject on squeeze forums.
"Hard wire it with Ethernet, yes there is a difference. Research the subject on squeeze forums."

Can you summarize what the difference is and its cause as indicated on the forums?