How good is the Ayre DX-5 Universal as a CD player

A huge part of my listening is with DVD concert videos. Right now I have a great Universal player, modded Faroudja DVP4000, but it does not play Blu-Ray. To me, the Ayre DX-5 is the perfect player, it does everything including Blu-Ray. However, how good is the audio section of the Ayre? I have searched the reviews and forums, sent out emails, and everyone raves about the Ayre.......but at all times they are raving about it compared to good players! I want to know how it compares to great players! How does it compare to say an Esoteric player, or Burmester, MBL, etc., with respect to audio?

The only reason I am considering the Ayre, is for the Blu-Ray option! Perhaps I should forget about Blu-Ray and put my money in a high end DAC and keep the Universal I have!? Would the Ayre compete with a DAC like say the Lampizator, or an MBL or Esoteric DAC? Is the audio on a Blu-Ray concert any better than the audio on a DVD?
hello Tim,
which glass optical digital cable were you trying.
i am researching same and heard of the AURAL OPTISM LOTUS.Do you have a recommendation. sorry to drift topic a little
Alfa , I have not had very good luck with optical cables , they sound a whisker thin and sterile for my taste's . I've preferred the XLR type cable's in my music makers last few incarnations . The XLR cable made it feel like something had been removed between the musicians and me . So far we've tried the Audio Quest - Raven , Shunyada's -Anaconda and a new one from Cardas , can't remember the model .
Of the three we tried all were an improvement over the Madrigal link that I have always liked . Talk about passive tone controls .
Thank you Tim
I will try Transparent Audio ref XLR between my Wadia 571 and 521. but I need to wait a while till my dealer gets me one.
Just yesterday I was able to finally audition one of these. I compared it to the Audio Research CD8. Bottom line was, I liked the Ayre very much, very nice sound. I liked it better than the AR on CD's. Comparing both to my modded Faroudja, I liked my Faroudja. My player does not have anywhere near the flexibility of the Ayre, but, I did not want to drop $10K for a couple of extra formats, at this time!

Where does that leave the Ayre! Well for me, my modded Faroudja beats my old Levinson 37 and 360s combo, and my previous Emm Labs CDSA SE. I would put the Ayre ahead of that bunch as well.
My DX-5 is the best source I have ever owned. It particularly shines with hi rez blue ray concert dvds. The video is another step better than my oppbd83SE. The audio is light years better. I have yet to hear thru usb at home but at my dealer, amazing sound. I have it running thru a REF5 and Ayre V5xe and 1.7s Maggies, Audience cables thruout, overall a great sound. However, this is the 2nd unit, the first one failed within 30 days and this unit failed within 30 days, ayre replaced the transport, and so far working perfectly. My 10k purchase was tarnished by this unreliability I never experienced before in high end audio but the sound is the best source I have ever owned, so I will keep it for now.and keep my fingers crossed .